Effective & Cost Savings!!
Are you using the right solutions for your fogging machine?
- Since you have bought your fogging machine, is the solution you are using effective?
What problems are you facing?
- Unsure of the effectiveness of disinfecting solutions
- Unsure of the level of toxicity in the solutions used
- Unable to reach high areas when disinfecting?
Why A+ Nanomist Anti-Bacterial Solution?
Tested & Proven since 2005 with 1 million treatments in Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, China.
- Contains benzalkonium chloride, proven to be effective against Covid-19, HFMD, H1N1, SARS.
- Cost effective & Efficient, each 750ml solution covers 7,500 sqft
- Reduces airborne microorganisms via fogging
- Non-flammable, non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-irritating, child-safe, eliminate smells
- Effectively to areas that are hard to reach such as ceiling or wall & spaces between equipment
- Environmentally-friendly
- Specially designed 700W Metal Fogging Machine with one (1) year local warranty
- MSDS A+ Nanomist Anti-Bacterial
- Test reports are available upon requests.
- KKM No: MKM/B/187. Jld.8
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